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Localiza and GOL travel together


The partnership between Localiza and GOL Airlines has made renting a car during a trip even more advantageous. We offer exclusive advantages* to GOL customers who have already purchase their tickets.

Upgrade from category A to C

When you make your Localiza reservation on the GOL website, you can rent a basic car (category A) and receive a car with a 1-liter motor with all the options – four doors, air-conditioning, power steering, power windows and power locks (category C).**

20% discount

When you rent through the GOL website, you get a 20% discount on cars from any category.

Payment in 10 installments

And even better, you can pay everything in up to 10 installments on your credit card.***

Loyalty Program points

Registered customers earn an extra point through the program.

Click here to see the complete rules.

*Valid from February 5, 2013. **Upgrade from category A (basic car, 1-liter motor, two doors) to category C (1-liter motor with air-conditioning, power steering, power windows and power locks. ***Payment in cash or in up to 10 installments with no interest on American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club International and Elo credit cards issued in Brazil, except for corporate cards. The price for excess kilometers is the same as the rate for controlled kilometers.